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New Release

The much-anticipated sequel is here! Grab a cup of tea and a slice of cake, and join Polly on her next delightful adventure—because after all, it’s just another bunch of flowers!

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Polly's world spins into delightful chaos when she dares to challenge the domineering Edna by founding her own flower club. With her loyal friends Rose, Sarah, Lizzy and Maggie by her side, Polly tiptoes between camaraderie and conflict, aiming to avoid a full blown show down with Edna.​


As Rose and Lizzy infiltrate Edna's committee, Lizzy's penchant for juicy gossip reveals scandals that transcend both flower clubs. From tales of cat fishing to shocking revelations. Lizzy's own escapades behind the wheel become the talk of the town. â€‹


Unexpectedly, Polly finds herself collaborating with her arch-nemesis, Amy, on a major project, leading her to question preconceptions. from disastrous floral demonstrations to flying flower arrangements, it's just a normal day in the life of Polly - after all it's just another bunch of flowers.


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Everyone loves a conspiracy theory, especially Polly. Her mind is always bursting with questions, possibilities and scenarios both real and imagined. "Was it an accident or was Robert murdered? How does Edna get her flapjacks to taste so good?" Whilst Polly's imagination mirrors her chaotic daily life, her best friend Sarah is the down to earth, grounded, calming influence. Edna, of the flapjack fame, runs the local flower club with an iron fist. Organised and regimented she takes the Cake Rota most seriously. Lizzy couldn't care less about cakes. Give her a bit of juicy gossip anytime. The mistress of the Chinese whisper, Lizzy's version and the truth are miles apart. 

Amy is Polly's arch-enemy. As her long suffering husband knows, flowers are Amy's life. She loves competing at shows and usually wins them. Her meticulous attention to detail being the complete antithesis to Polly's rather haphazard methods, she cannot help gloating and enjoys seeing Polly squirm. Polly, imagining Amy is resorting to dirty tricks, is determined to beat her at her own game. The kind-hearted soul that is Margery is always ready to offer her well-meaning if misguided help. The home-made herbal concoctions she hands out freely to her friends give her life purpose, but she fails to recognise the implications. 

Whoever thought flower-arranging could be so dramatic. After all, it's just a bunch of flowers. 

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Customer Reviews

As someone interested in flowers, it was a really good read. I could picture these members in my mind and imagine their goings on! Not sure if this is a one off or a sequel will follow, but would definitely buy it when it comes out!

Mrs Janet Townsend

The story line of intrigue and conspiracy theory centred round a Flower Club and its members, sounded interesting to me. Each character with their quirky ways and interests was brought to life and I felt that by the time I had read the book I knew them all. It was totally engrossing and fun to read. I would certainly recommend this book.

Sheila G

A wonderful story showing the humorous side of the flower arranging world. This book is great easy reading with interesting characters who I would love to find out more about, hopefully there will be a sequel coming.

Emma Harding

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